Whats quicker- Car or E-bike?

NRM is trying to reduce our carbon footprint and example of this iss reducing vehicle mileage whilst also supporting staff fitness.

Property inspection required for developments Taverham, Drayton, Costessey and Queens Hill area.  Therefore instead of 50+ miles in car, inspections were completed by e-bike (which reduced distance by over 20 miles)

Furtherest development was reached by property manager in just 35 minutes (using the Marriot Way path so avoiding number of busy roads).  This was only 11mins slower than fastest route around the bypass (and most likely quicker than through the city due to road changes which have occurred in the last two years).

What can you do to assist?

  • When reporting issues, if you can send picture of issues to NRM, this can help remove the need for property manager to attend and review before arranging repairs.
  • Request to recieve your annual service charge via email (therefore cutting down paper/printing/postage miles)

See below comparsion between bike and car routes.

Car alterative

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